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Special Requirements on Payments

All graduate matriculants and nonmatriculants must pay their tuition, Student Activity Fee, Technology Fee, and Consolidated Fee at the time they register. The amounts per credit and per excess contact hour also apply to undergraduates taking courses for graduate credit. Graduate students taking an undergraduate course pay nondegree undergraduate tuition for that course.

Students who have not met all their financial obligations to the College will not be issued a transcript, certificate, degree, or grade until they have made all outstanding payments. Students will not be allowed to register for a new semester unless they have satisfied all previous financial obligations to the College.

Students who do not make full payment on their tuition and fees and other college bills, and whose accounts are sent to a collection agency, will be responsible for all collection costs, including agency fees, attorney fees, and court costs, in addition to whatever amounts the student owes the College. In addition, non-payment or a default judgment against the account may be reported to a credit bureau and reflected in the student's credit report.