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Student Teaching/Internship/Practicum Requirements and Policies

In addition to the successful completion of a degree in an educator preparation program, supervised field experience or clinical practice (e.g., student teaching, an internship, or a practicum) is required for all candidates in graduate programs applying for certification in New York State as a teacher, school counselor, or school building/school district leader. Student teaching, internship, or practicum cannot be waived based on prior experience or other factors. For specific program requirements, see the program adviser.

Acceptance into either student teaching or teaching internship is based on student completion of program prerequisites, and applications are subject to review and recommendation by program faculty. 

Any candidate found to be in violation of any of the conduct guidelines detailed in the Lehman College Student Handbook and/or the candidate's discipline-specific code of ethics may not be recommended for student teaching/teaching internship. In certain situations, the candidate will be advised to meet with the adviser and program coordinator to plan for degree completion. The Lehman College Student Handbook can be found on the College website at

All prospective student teachers are urged to plan their course of study so they can devote a semester exclusively to their student teaching. Student teaching is a full-time, semester-long commitment. Candidates must follow the attendance policy of each program. Unexcused absences from supervised field experience may be grounds for removal from the placement. Candidates may repeat student teaching, internship, or practicum only once.

Applications for student teaching/teaching internship must be filed the semester prior to student teaching and requires permission of the program advisor and a methods course instructor. Application due dates are April 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester. The November 1 deadline also applies for candidates in special education programs who will student teach in the summer. Information about student teaching is posted on the School of Education's website at