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Good Academic Standing and Probation

All graduate students, regardless of matriculation status, are expected to make appropriate academic progress and maintain a 3.0 (B) cumulative average or better in their courses. Grades of B-, C+, and C, while considered meeting course completion requirements, are considered marginal progress outcomes. Students earning a marginal progress grade in selected courses may be required to repeat and achieve a satisfactory progress grade in these select courses to continue in the program of study. (See specific program course descriptions for requirement details.) Students may also be asked by their academic adviser to take a lighter course load until the GPA is improved.

Matriculated and non-matriculated students in special funded programs need to contact the program coordinators for details regarding their eligibility and continuation requirements.

Graduate students will be placed on academic probation when their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. After attempting 9 or more graduate credits, those whose G.P.A. falls to or below a 2.50 (2.70 or lower in some programs) will not be granted an automatic probation period. Continuation in the program is granted only upon successful appeal to the Office of Graduate Studies. A letter of support from the academic department must accompany such appeals.

When a student is on academic probation, a probation indicator is placed by the Office of Graduate Studies. The probation indicator prevents affected students from registering until appropriate academic advisement takes place. Once an appropriate academic plan is agreed upon, the Office of Graduate Studies will lift the probation indicator so that the student may register for the current term. The probationary indicator will be replaced for future registration(s) or until the cumulative GPA is raised to 3.0 or above.

During the probation period, students may only enroll in courses that satisfy the degree curriculum.

A student may be on probation only once during their course of study. Students on probation, who achieve a semester index of at least 3.2 for each semester of probation and earn 100% of all credits attempted, will be permitted to extend his/her probationary period for a maximum of three registered terms.

Students who have met all graduation requirements except the possession of an earned cumulative GPA of 3.0 will be permitted to file an appeal for an additional semester of eligibility.

Graduate students on academic probation are not issued a graduate degree or advanced certificate.

Furthermore, students on academic probation may not take the comprehensive examination, or submit a thesis unless specific approval is granted by the academic department.

Continuation and Dismissal

If the cumulative GPA remains below 3.0 at the end of the probation period, the student will be dismissed from the College. The decision to dismiss is not taken lightly and involves discussion between the academic department and the Office of Graduate Studies. Once a decision to dismiss is made, notification of dismissal is sent by the Office of Graduate Studies. Graduate students who have been dismissed at the end of the probationary period will be allowed to continue in their program only upon successful appeal to the Office of Graduate Studies. The appeal must contain a written letter of support from the program advisor or Chair in the academic department.