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Thesis or Capstone Report

Graduate students researching and writing theses or capstone projects must be matriculated and currently registered each semester. Students must register for either maintenance of matriculation or for a thesis writing course offered by their department.

In curricula requiring a thesis or capstone project, the completed thesis or project must be presented to the department chair or adviser in sufficient time to enable the work to be evaluated, corrected, amended, and the grade to be recorded before the date on which the classes for that semester end. A candidate permitted to offer a thesis or other final project must consult the adviser for departmental requirements for preparation and final submission. The student must file with the thesis or project adviser the number of approved copies required by the program in which he/she is matriculated.

Students must submit an electronic copy of their thesis to the Leonard Lief Library. Electronic copies must be submitted on a CD formatted in a PDF file, or the format required by their thesis adviser. The CD must be accompanied by completed copies of the Digital Repository License Agreement and Checklist, which are accessible on the Library website. Prior to graduation, students must provide a copy of the Acknowledgement of Receipt to their graduate or thesis adviser. The Acknowledgement of Receipt is issued by the Library to the student after receiving all required submission materials.