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A bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited college or university.
Demonstrate the potential to pursue graduate study successfully - that is, have attained a minimum undergraduate grade average of B or 3.0 in the field selected for the graduate major and a minimum grade average of B- or 2.7 in the undergraduate record as a whole.
Have completed a major in biology, chemistry, physics, or an allied field.
With Undergraduate Specialization in Biology: Candidates whose undergraduate major was in biology must have completed: (1) one year of organic chemistry, with laboratory; (2) one year of college physics; and (3) either one year of calculus or one semester of calculus and a semester of statistics.
With Undergraduate Specialization in Chemistry, Physics, or Allied Field: Candidates whose undergraduate major was in either chemistry, physics, or an allied field must have completed: (1) the equivalent of an undergraduate minor in biology; (2) one year of organic chemistry, with laboratory; (3) one year of college physics; and (4) either one year of calculus or one semester of calculus and a semester of statistics.
In addition, students must submit up to three letters of recommendation and a personal statement describing their career goals, explain how the master’s program will help to achieve these goals, and how their prior education and research experience, if any, have prepared the student to move on to a master’s degree. Students should indicate their research interests and identify at least one possible faculty mentor who is willing to advise the student for the tutorial. It is recommended that students contact the Department Master’s Program Graduate Advisor to get help in identifying possible faculty mentors. Students should also submit up to three letters of recommendation and, if conditionally admitted, satisfy the conditions within one year.
Academic Probation and Continuation
All graduate students whose GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. See the College's graduate policies and procedures regarding probation and continuation.
Graduate students in Biological Sciences degree programs whose GPA falls below 3.0 may only continue in their program upon successful appeal to the College Graduate Studies Committee with the approval of the Biology Department’s Graduate Advisor.
Students who received a failing grade in a course and have a cumulative GPA below 3.0 will only be granted one semester to make sufficient progress towards degree completion and bring the GPA back up to 3.0 or above. Students may not continue in any course for which the failed course is a prerequisite. If the GPA is not raised to a 3.0 or above by the end of the next registered semester the student will be asked to discontinue their program of study.
Students, who receive two failing grades in any of the courses satisfying the degree curriculum, will not be eligible for probation and will be asked to discontinue their program of study.
All students (matriculated or nonmatriculated) should consult with the Departmental Graduate Adviser regarding their program.
*Students must comply with the specific guidelines provided by the Department of Biological Sciences in developing and writing a tutorial.
A student must complete 34 credits of coursework including 4 credits of *tutorial (BIO 7922) or 2 credits of tutorial (BIO 7921) repeated twice. This tutorial is performed under the supervision of a faculty member in Biological Sciences. It is intended to involve the student in the performance of a carefully supervised project. The project may involve research in the laboratory, a library review of relevant topics, or a combination of the two. The results of this project will be written and submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the master's degree. This document will become part of the departmental library.
*Biology Masters Tutorial Guideline
Students must complete a comprehensive hypothesis-based literature review related to the faculty’s research or agreed upon topic and submit a written report of their study. The faculty shall guide and provide feedback to the student throughout the process (BIO 7922 – 4 credits).
The faculty could require that the student show competency in at least one laboratory technique relevant to the faculty’s research project (BIO 7921 – 2 credits repeated twice for 4 credits).