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Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Official Name of Program
Plan Code
Department(s) Sponsoring Program
Degree Designation
NYSED Program Code
CIP Code
CMHC Program Overview
Lehman College of the City University of New York offers a full-time, cohort-based, 60-credit, Master’s degree program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. Students will attend the program full-time, year-round for two years and upon completion, they will be eligible to pursue New York State licensure in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. The program is intended to prepare students to work in varied environments such as private practice, substance misuse counseling, not-for-profits, community-based organizations, business, government agencies, and healthcare. It will provide opportunities for high-quality, accessible, and affordable graduate education in mental health counseling for residents in the Bronx and surrounding areas.
The program provides a unique experience for the adult learner. Using a project-based learning framework, students will acquire the knowledge and skills essential for navigating the complexity of issues and systems impacting the emotional well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Students will choose an area of specialization and develop skills for promoting advocacy, leadership, and equity for social justice through a series of projects in specific courses. The program’s multimodal pedagogical approach includes synchronous, asynchronous, and in-person instruction where students engage in varied experiences such as self-directed, experiential learning activities and clinical intensives.
Program Plan
The following is a listing by term of the courses that comprise the 60-credit CE: CMHC program, which can be completed in two years (24 months). The program is delivered on a full-year schedule.